Level of Service Batch Monitoring
The Oracle Utilities Application Framework provides a Health Check feature that reports on a configurable set of 'Level of Service' algorithms, which can check on various conditions of particular Batch Controls and Scheduler Batch Streams. Results of the Health Check are given in this form (similar to http return codes):
200 - All Checks Successful (i.e. no warnings, no errors)
203 – Warning - Non-Critical Function Degraded
500 – Error - One or More Critical Functions Degraded
The Health Check can be brought up online at any time and can also be polled regularly from outside of the service via the Inbound Web Service F1-HealthCheckREST.
Level of Service Algorithms are available at the Batch Control as well as Batch Job Stream level, most of which can be set up with parameters to fine tune the error and warning conditions. The delivered algorithm types are:
Level of Service Algorithms – Batch Control:
F1-BAT-ERLOS: Report Batch Jobs in Error
F1-BAT-LVSVC: Evaluate Error Count and Time Since Completion
F1-BAT-RTLOS: Compare Total Batch Run Time to Threshold
F1-BAT-TPLOS: Compare Throughput to Threshold
K1BATJNSXM: Batch Job not Started in X Minutes
K1BATJPLNR: Job Processed Low Number Of Records
K1BATLOSRTL: Batch Job ran too long (Relative Run)
K1BATLOSTTL: Batch Job throughput too low (relative run)
Level of Service Algorithms – Scheduler Batch Stream:
K1BJSDJNSXM: Batch Job Stream Not Started in X Minutes
K1BJSDJRTL: Job Stream Ran Too Long (Relative Run)
K1-BJSD-LVSV: Batch Job Stream Has Failed
Refer to Service Health Check in the Administrative User Guide or the online help for more information.