SMTP Integration
Currently cloud networking does not allow for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) traffic to any external servers. The only supported SMTP service is the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Email Delivery Service, which is embedded within your cloud service with the following restrictions:
1. Customers cannot configure their cloud services to send traffic via SMTP to other email servers running outside the cloud service. Configuring a Message Sender with the "SMTP_HOST" field will not work since the SMTP traffic cannot leave the cloud service network.
2. When used with Oracle Utilities cloud services, the OCI Email Delivery Service may only be used to send emails to Oracle, for example to tell them that their batch job failed. It is not to be used to send emails to the customers’ customers, such as for bill delivery or notification of bill generation.
Batch Error / Completion Notification
Cloud service customers can use the OCI Email Delivery System to send batch error / completion notifications (based on Batch Control parameter configuration) to individuals or email groups. This functionality can be used for both online batch job submission and / or via batch scheduler batch control configuration.
This functionality does not include email notification on Batch Level of Service algorithms (BLOS). The Health Check portal within the cloud service should be used to view BLOS notifications. Customers can write external probes to pull the BLOS notifications via cloud web services.
Options for Extracting and Sending Data via Email Delivery
Some options for extracting and sending data to external systems via email include the following:
Create a plug-in driven batch control that writes a file to Oracle Cloud Object Storage, and then write or configure a process (outside of the cloud service) that looks for these files and sends emails based on the extracted data in the file. For example, a process might create a "mail merge" file containing data for a number of entities for external email server consumption.
Deploy a web service outside of the subscribed Oracle cloud service network that is accessible by your cloud service. Create a plug-in driven batch process or online algorithm that calls the external web service via a Message Sender for each email notification you wish to send.