Maintaining Key Rings
The Key Ring maintenance function from the Administration menu is used to add, modify, and remove key ring definitions.
See Understanding Key Rings in the online help provided with your service for information about managing key rings.
Generating Keys
Once the Key Ring is defined it must have at least one activated key pair. To generate a key pair, use the Generate Key button.
See Understanding Key Rings in the online help provided with your service for information about generating key pairs.
Once generated the key ring will appear in the Key Pairs zone with the appropriate fingerprint. To activate the key pair, use the Activate button to enable the key. It is recommended to only have one pair active for each key ring at most at any time. It is possible to support multiple, but this is not good security practice. Use the View under the Public Key column to view and pass on the public part of the key.
Note: The private key is not visible from the product in line with security standards.