User Authentication
The User object includes the Userid and Login Id identifiers whose roles are as follows:
The Userid is used internally for authorization and passed to the database connection as CLIENT_IDENTIFIER. This user cannot be changed after the user has created any records in the system as it is used for record ownership in some objects and in auditing. The maximum length of Userid is eight characters.
The Login Id is used for authentication to the security repository configured for Oracle Utilities Cloud Service. The Login Id can match the Userid but can differ to reflect site standards. Unlike the Userid, the Login Id can be changed at any time to reflect changes in the organization such as name changes or acquisition. The maximum length of Login Id is 256 characters.
Note: The Login Id must match, in the same case, as the entry in IAM.
When maintaining a user, Oracle recommends all changes be performed in IAM to preserve consistency.
Oracle Utilities Cloud Service maintains a Security Hash, which is part of the User object, that it checks during login. At application login time and if the security hash does not match the user, the user is not authorized to access Oracle Utilities Cloud Service. Oracle Utilities Cloud Service automatically performs maintenance of security hash values.
Note: Direct manipulation of the User object may result to invalidation of the security hash, which leads to login issues. All user changes must be performed via IAM or directly using Oracle Utilities Cloud Service (for federated implementations).