Frequently Asked Questions - Self Service Provisioning
This chapter provides answers to some of the expected questions you might have if you your cloud service is enabled for self service provisioning.
What are the benefits of self service provisioning for me as a customer?
There are several benefits to self service provisioning:
Faster starting time for the project - you don't have to wait until all your environments are provisioning to start working.
Ability to determine and communicate provisioning events, timing, and details about your provisioning requests as part of the request itself. For example, the ability to provide a different Identity Domain as part of the request itself, which will be used in the provisioning of a new environment without the need to open a service ticket.
Upcoming support for BYOK (if applicable).
Do I have to do anything during the migration process?
No, the migration process is done in the backend and does not require any customer involvement.
How long will it take to migrate my existing account to App Manager?
It depends on the number of existing environments, but under normal circumstances it should not take more than one day to migrate your account.
Will my cloud service be affected as a result of the changes in the provisioning process and the account migration?
No, your cloud service availability of environments and functionality whether in production or implementation phase will not be affected.
What happens to new orders during the release and migration timeframe?
If possible, new orders will be delayed until the migration is completed or expedited before it starts. Orders already in the pipeline will be identified and addressed during the migration process to make sure they are handled properly.
What happens if I try to create a new environment during the migration process?
You should not attempt to create, update or delete any environments via App Manager until it is confirmed that the migration process is completed for your account. Any App Manger user actions during the migration can interfere with the migration process and might affect the end results.
Can I create environments in different regions?
No, when the first create request is submitted for a new environment the region included in that request is fixed and cannot be change for ANY future environments. In addition, an environment's region cannot be changed after it was created.
Can I create environments in a region different than my home region?
Yes, but you should consider that carefully since the region cannot be changed later. Normally your home region and the region you select for new environment should match the region that your service will be provisioned in.
What compartment should I use for new environments?
You can use the Root Compartment or any other Compartment per your security requirements. An environment row in App Manager is just an OCI resource like any other resource (e.g. compute, object storage bucket) and therefore should be assigned to a compartment. Environments (like any other OCI resource) can be moved to a different compartment later on if needed.
Can I specify what service version should be provisioned as part of my request in App Manager?
No, if you have special requirement for the version of the new environment, please contact your Oracle Support or Service Delivery Manager.
What happens if I select the wrong region when asking to create the first environment?
The provisioning will be done only on regions which are available for your cloud service. If you select an incorrect region you can end up in a situation where the OCI resource representing the environment is in region A while the environment is provisioned in region B. While this won’t directly affect your cloud service functionality and performance it can be an administration headache. You may also end up having the service provisioned in region B but the authentication done via an identity domain in region A which might be undesirable.
What is the difference between "Development" and "Test", and "Additional Development" and "Additional Test" environment types?
The former are considered to be a part of the base subscription; the latter are environment resulting from add-ons to the subscription. You can only have one (1) development, one (1) test, and one (1) production environment types but you can have many additional development or additional test environments based on your subscription quota.
Do I have to provide all of the admin details on my new environment request?
If the user creating the request for the new environment is the same user that will be administering it, then only the email needs to be provided. If a different user is expected to administer the environment then all the admin details are required.
Why is my "Edit Environment" button on the App Manager environment dashboard disabled?
Currently there is nothing to update for an existing environment therefore this option is disabled.
Why can't I see any of my existing environments all of a sudden?
Verify that you are pointing to the correct compartment and region in which your environments were created.
Where can I see the link to the main application for a given environment?
Link to the main application can be found under the "Additional Links" tab in App Manager when viewing an environment details.
What is the "Service console" link on the environment details in OCI Console?
This link is for future use and can be ignored at this point.
What is the "View application" button on the environment details in OCI Console?
This button will open a new browser with the service console link and should be ignored at this point.
Can I see my current environment quota?
Currently this information is not directly displayed on OCI Console but can be deducted by looking at all the entitlement history in App Manager overview page for your cloud service.
What is the meaning of the environment status in App Manager?
The status of an environment row on the App Manager environments page indicates the provisioning status of the environment and is not related to the availability or health of that environment. Your cloud environment can be down for planned maintenance but will still appear as "Active" in App Manager. Furthermore, if the environment row in App Manager appears as "Updating", your cloud environment can be up and running normally. When a row in App Manager is marked as "Updating" it simply means that something about this environment provisioning information is being updated. Most of these updates might not have any effect on your work in the environment.