Viewing Environment Details
When an environment appears in the App Manager Environments page, you can select the environment to see more details about it (see figure 5.4).
Figure 5.4 - App Manager Environment Details
Since environments are OCI resources, many details that are available for an environment are similar to other OCI resources, such as: name, OCID, region, etc.
In this section we will cover a few attributes that are important for your cloud service environments:
Environment Information tab:
Service Console: this link can be used to launch the Cloud Service Console for your cloud service, when available. The View Application button will open a new browser window with that link.
Environment Type: This is the type of environment selected at creation time. This is the code for the type that was selected during the create environment dialog. The full name of the environment type is displayed in the Environment Configuration tab.
Environment Configuration tab:
Type of Environment: this is the name of the environment type according to the code that is displayed in the Environment Information tab.
Override Identity Domain URL: this is the value provided at creation time.
Additional Links tab:
Main Application: this is the link to the main application in your cloud service. In order to use the link, copy it into a new browser window.
Encryption tab:
In this tab you will see information about your BYOK setup - if your service is enabled for that.
You can change your BYOK configuration by selecting the Manage link inside the tab. Changes in BYOK configuration will automatically generate an Update request and the environment status will be changed into "Updating" until the changes are accepted and completed.