Request for Cluster of Public Customer Interfaces
The customer or system integrator can request a cluster of public IP addresses to be added to their allow list and facilitate communication between Oracle Utilities cloud services and their systems. This section describes the process for customers or system integrators to request a cluster of IP Addresses.
Request Specification
A single request to provide a list of clustered IP addresses for Oracle Utilities cloud services. Customer need not to request per environment (Dev, Test, Prod) since IP addresses are common for a region (data center).
Customer Obligations
The customer must provide justification for the request.
The customer should provide a sample environment URL for Oracle to know of the region (data-center)
Oracle Cloud Operations Team Obligations
Acknowledge and schedule the execution of the service request
Communicate the status upon completion of the service request
Service Level Objective
Advanced Notice: 7 business days
Acknowledge/Schedule: 2 business days
Execution Time: 2 business days
Outage Expected: No