Prior to Go Live
In the early stages of the implementation, also called the Fast Lane, Oracle will keep the environments on the latest release level, and uptake of monthly maintenance packs is required. One or more 'early adopter' environments will be updated on the first weekend of each month, and the other environments including the Production environment will be updated on the third weekend of the month. This pattern is maintained until go-live is less than four months away.
The benefits of keeping your environments at the latest release level during your implementation may include:
Access to the latest features and functions of the service, typically meaning less need for customization.
Having all available patches applied means discovering fewer problems and makes it easier for customer support to replicate any issues you do experience.
When your go-live date is on the horizon (no more than three months away), you will move into the Cutover Lane by staying at your current release level, and if desired choosing a 'freeze' Maintenance Pack level to fully stabilize prior to go live. We support a freeze of no more than two months, so the 'freeze version' can only be set once you are less than one month from your go-live date (thus allowing for a month of post-go-live stabilization). Note that if your go-live date shifts, part of the re-planning may need to involve moving up to the next General Availability release level.