Communication Flows
The table below lists the communications created for each Silver Spring Networks command:
Outbound Communication
Inbound Communication
Completion Event
Remote Connect
SSN–Connect or Disconnect
SSN – Connect or Disconnect Response
Remote Provisioning Job (Get Status)
Connect Device Completion Event
Remote Disconnect
SSN–Connect or Disconnect
SSN – Connect or Disconnect Response
Disconnect Device Completion Event
Device Commissioning
SSN- Replace Location
Device Commissioning Completion Event
Device Decommissioning
SSN- Replace Device At Location (Decomm)
Device Decommissioning Completion Event
On-Demand Read
SSN – Add Meter Read Job (Scalar)
SSN – Meter Read Response (Scalar)
Create IMD Completion Event
On-Demand Read
SSN – Add Meter Read Job (Interval)
SSN – Meter Read Response (Interval)
Create IMD Completion Event
Device Status Check
SSN – Add Ping job
SSN – Ping Job Response