Indicates the end of the polling specified by WS-STARTPOLLWS.
Use Case: The condition to stop the poll can be specified here. The attribute takes the xpath of the element against which the condition is to be compared. The condition is specified while entering the test data. If the test data is just a string, say <val>, then polling would stop when element value is <val>.
For example, if a web service needs to be polled unless the element BatchJobId is “ED”, the attribute value should be set as the xpath of BatchJobId and the test data should be entered as “ED”.
Similarly, if polling needs to continue as long as a certain value is returned, a “!” should be prefixed to the value of test data. If we want to continue polling as long as the BatchJobId is “PD”, test data should be “!PD” (the symbol ! indicates “not equals”). Similar conditions can be set for greater than, less than, greater than equal to and less than equal to, by prefixing the test data with “>”, “<“, “>=” and “<=” respectively.
Usage Details
Display Name
User Defined Display Name
Attribute Values
Xpath of element