Flow Set Run
The Flow Set Run service provides an endpoint allowing a flow set to be run by passing relevant flow set details.
Curl command for Flow Set Run
curl -i -X POST 'https://<hostname>:<port>/.…../ uta/rest/run/flow' -H 'authorization:Basic <Base64 encoded username & password>' -H 'cache-control: no-cache' -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{ "executionType" : "flowSet",
"flowSet" : "<flowSet>", "configuration":"<configuration>",
"identity": "<user configuration>"}’
<hostname>: Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator application host name
<port>: Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator application port
<access token>: Authentication token from the step in pre-requisites above
<flowSet>: Name of the flow set to be executed
<configuration>: Configuration to be used for executing the flow
<user configuration>: The user configuration to be used for executing the flow
Flow Set Run
curl -X POST -k https://my.server.com:8080/rest/execute/flow -H 'authorization: Basic bXJpbmFsOk9yYWNsZTEyMw==' -H 'content-type: application/json' -d
'{"executionType": "flowSet", "flowSet" : "MyBillingTestSuite", "configuration":"myCCBConfig", "identity": "myCCBConfig" }'
Once a flow set run is triggered, the service responds with a response as follows:
Querying Status of Flow Set Run
User can query the status of flow set run.
Curl for Flow Set Run Status
curl -i -X GET -k 'https://<hostname>:<port>/flowset/ status?flowSet=<flowSet>&flowSetExecutionId=<flowSetExecutionId>' -H 'authorization:Basic <Base64 encoded username & password>'
<hostname>: Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator Application host name
<port>: Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator application port
<access token>: Authentication token from the step in pre-requisites above
<flowSetExecutionId>: The flow set run ID that was received when the flow set run was triggered.
curl -i -k -X GET 'https://my.server.com:8080/rest/execute/flowset/
status?flowSet=MyBillingTestSuite &flowSetExecutionId=502' -H 'authorization: Basic bXJpbmFsOk9yYWNsZTEyMw=='
The service responds to the flow run status query with a response as follows.
[{"flowStatuses":[{"timeStamp":"Jan 19, 2020 04:00:25 PST","product":"CCB","portfolio":"CUSTOMER CARE AND BILLING","release":"UTA","flowExecutionId":"1811","id":1,"flowName":"X1-MDMFlow","portProdXrefId":"100000065","status":"Not Started"}],"flowSetExecutionId":"502","flowSetName":"MyBillingTestSuite","status":"Running"}]'
The status element in the response contains the current flow set overall run status. The flowStatuses element in the response contains individual flow status for each of the flows that were/are run in the flow set.