Support for HTTPS Web Services
While connecting to the edge applications that use the HTTPS protocol, before executing the Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator scripts, the security certificate should be saved on the system from where the Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator test cases are being executed. Register the certificate in the Java security certificates repository.
To import the security key store into Java key store:
1. Enter the URL (HTTPS) of the application in the browser (Example: Internet Explorer).
2. Click Continue to this Website (not recommended) link on the Security certificate page.
3. Click Certificate error in the address bar.
4. Click the View certificates link on the Certificate Invalid pop-up window.
5. On the Details tab, click Copy to File.
6. Click Browse and select the file you want to export. Click Next.
7. Review the settings and click Finish.
8. Login to the machine where this certificate has to be imported into the Java key store, and open the command prompt.
9. If the Java path is not set in the environment variables, navigate to the Java/jdk/bin directory and execute the following command:
keytool -import -alias <Alias Name> -file <path of the file which we exported in Step 7> -keystore <Java keystore path>
10. Enter “changeit” as the Password.
11. Click Yes to import the certificate. The property file attributes for HTTPS requests are as follows:
##Handling Https WSDL - Java key Store gStrJavaKeyStorePath=C:\\jdk8\\jre\\lib\\security\\
The setup is ready to process the HTTPS requests.