Managing Test Plan Lifecycle
A test plan object supports various lifecycle states for easier and robust management of a test plan. Based on its lifecycle state, certain operations may or may not be allowed on the test plan.
The following lifecycle states are supported:
Planning: This is the initial state of the test plan. All (newly created) test plans will be in the planning state. The test plan definition is allowed in this stage. Flow sets under the test plan can be added or removed when the test plan is in the planning state. The test plan cannot be run in this state, but can be deleted.
Active: After the test plan planning is complete, to run it, it should be moved to the active state. It can be moved to active state from the planning state. An active test plan can be run. Flow sets cannot be edited/updated when the test plan is in this lifecycle state. The descriptions and type can be updated. The test plan can be moved to paused or complete state from the active state, but cannot be deleted in this state.
Paused: If the test plan definition needs to be changed after moving it to the active state, pause it so that the test plan runs are not triggered during the update. In this state, the test plan can no longer be run. It can be edited or updated and the corresponding flow sets under the test plan can be added or removed. It can be moved to active or archive state, but cannot be deleted.
Complete: The test plan in Complete state signifies that the runs have been completed and the objective has been met, but it still needs to be maintained in the application for tracking/reporting purposes. Updates to the test plan are no longer allowed and the runs are also not allowed. The only state allowed from this is the archived state. The test plan cannot be deleted.
Archive: This is the end state for a test plan that allows a test plan to be deleted. The test plan updates and runs are not allowed in this state. It can be deleted.
The following figure shows the possible test plan lifecycle state transitions. Shows the possible test plan lifecycle state transitions.
To update a test plan lifecycle:
1. Login to the application.
2. Navigate to the Test Planning menu.
3. Search for the test plan using the search filters.
4. Select the test plan to be edited.
5. Select the appropriate state from the drop-down list. The test plan will be moved to the selected lifecycle state.