Component Definition Validation Tool
Use the Component Definition Validation Tool to assess the impact of the custom components while upgrading to a newer version of the product. The impact can be assessed either at a product level (report changes to all components of the given product in the newer version) or at a component level.
Note: This tool is intended to be used with only web service based components.
To generate a report at the product level:
1. Login to the application.
2. Navigate to the Components menu.
3. On the left pane, select and right-click the product.
4. Select Validate Components.
5. Enter the URL of the Utilities application against which the currently selected product components should be validated.
6. Click Validate Components to generate the report.
7. After generating the report, the tool prompts to save the HTML report to your local system.
Open the report in a browser to assess the impact.
Note: In the report, the Newly Added column lists all the new attributes added to the web service and the Missing column lists all the existing attributes that are no longer supported by the web service.
To generate a report at the component level:
1. Login to the application.
2. Navigate to the Components menu.
3. On the left pane, select and right-click the component to be validated.
4. Select Validate Components.
5. Enter the URL of the Utilities application against which the currently selected product components should be validated.
6. Click Validate Components to generate the report.
7. After generating the report, the tool prompts to save the HTML report to your local system.
Open the report in a browser to assess the impact.
Note: In the report, the Newly Added column lists all the new attributes added to the web service and the Missing column lists all the existing attributes that are no longer supported by the web service.