Application Architecture
The following diagram depicts the high-level architecture of Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator.High-level architecture diagram of Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator
Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator's workbench can be accessed using a web browser, such as Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. The workbench allows users to create and manage components and flows. Additionally, flow runs and their corresponding history can be managed from the workbench.
There are various modules within the workbench:
Component Manager supports auto generation creation, update and delete of components.
Flow Manager provides features to create and manage test flows in Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator.
Test Planning helps to manage flow runs corresponding to testing of specific product upgrades/updates.
Utilities help manage flow upgrades, export-import and custom component creation.
Security module in Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator workbench makes sure that only authorized users have access to the workbench. The module also provides necessary support to add authentication to outbound requests that are used for testing an application. Additionally, the module controls the access to the flow runs using the Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator REST APIs.
All the components and flows are defined using metadata as Testing Objects. The metadata and the flow run history gets stored in the database for unified, concurrent access by various users of Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator.
Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator comes with several predefined components provided by the corresponding product's Quality Assurance teams.
All the web service based test flow runs use Testing APIs on the Oracle Utilities Enterprise products. These APIs are web service end points on the Enterprise applications and are delivered along with Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator.
For more information about Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator, refer to the Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator Installation and Administration Guide.