Password Encryption Tool
The Password Encryption Tool is provided in the application to encrypt passwords for additional security. All the password fields (gStrApplicationUserPassword, gStrApplicationDBPassword) in the file and file, if any, must be encrypted. This tool helps in encrypting the passwords used.
To encrypt plain text using the Password Encryption Tool:
1. Double-click the PasswordEncryptor.jar file.
2. Enter the password and click OK. A dialog box with the encrypted text is displayed.
3. Copy this text and paste it in the respective password field in the or file.
Alternatively, perform the following steps in the Console:
1. Navigate to <ECLIPSE-WORKDIR>/tools.
2. Enter the following command:
java -jar PasswordEncryptor.jar
3. When prompted, enter the password.
4. Press Enter.
5. Copy this text and paste it in the respective password field in the or file.