Flow Run
The Flow Run service provides an endpoint allowing a flow to run by passing the relevant flow details.
Curl command for Flow Run
curl -i -X POST 'https://<hostname>:<port>/.…../ uta/rest/run/flow' -H 'authorization:Basic <Base64 encoded username & password>' -H 'cache-control: no-cache' -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{ "executionType": "flow",
"release" : "<release>",
"portfolio" : "<portfolio>",
"product" : "<product>",
"flow" : "<flow>",
"identity": "<user configuration>",
"flowtestdataset": "<flowtestdataset>"
Note: <flowtestdataset> parameter is optional, if user does not provide the parameter then the default test data set will be used for run.
<hostname>: OUTA application host name
<port>: OUTA application port
<access token>: Authentication token from the step in pre-requisites above
<release>: The name of the release to which the flow belongs to
<portfolio>: The name of the portfolio/product family to which the flow belongs to
<product>: The name of the product to which the flow belongs to
<flow>: Name of the flow to be run
<configuration>: Configuration to be used for running the flow
<user configuration>: The user configuration to be used for run the flow
<flowtestdataset>: The flow test data set that needs to be used during the flow run
Flow Run
curl -X POST -k https://my.server.com:8080/dev01/ccs/uta/rest/execute/flow -H 'authorization: Basic bXJpbmFsOk9yYWNsZTEyMw==' -H 'content-type: application/json' -d' {"executionType": "flow", "release" : "UTA", "portfolio" : "CUSTOMER CARE AND BILLING", "product" : "CCB", "flow" : "CreateBusinessWithCC", "configuration":"myCCBConfig", "identity": "myCCBConfig ","flowtestdataset":"CCBTestDataSet" }'
Once a flow run is triggered, the service responds with a response similar as follows.
{"flowExecutionId":1810,"trackingCode":" CreateBusinessWithCC _100000065_2020_01_29_04.00.24.604_26843725-5fe4-4c38-a481-b7e775ddcff0"}
Querying Status of Flow Run
Query the status of the flow run as follows.
Curl for Flow Run Status
curl -i -k -X GET -k 'https://<hostname>:<port>/rest/execute/
flowstatus?flowExecutionId=<flowExecutionId>' -H 'authorization:Basic <Base64 encoded username & password>'
<hostname> : Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator host name
<port> : Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator port
<access token> : Authentication token (See Prerequisites for more information.)
<flowExecutionId >: The flow run ID received when the flow run was triggered.
curl -i -k -X GET 'https://my.server.com:8080/rest/execute/
flowstatus?flowExecutionId=1810' -H 'authorization: Basic bXJpbmFsOk9yYWNsZTEyMw=='
The service responds to the flow run status query with a response.
{"product":"CCB","portfolio":"CUSTOMER CARE AND BILLING","release":"UTA","flowName":"CreateBusinessWithCC","status":"Running"}
The status element in the response contains the current flow run status.