Configuring Authentication for Web Service Requests
Based on the version of the Oracle Utilities application (and the Oracle Utilities Application Framework), the web service requests are expected to include additional information apart from the user credentials. In order to support this, two new properties have been introduced in the flow and user configuration sets using which users can specify the authentication used by the environment.
For the latest versions of Oracle Utilities applications, a timestamp is expected in the web service requests. For these environments, specify the header type as TIMESTAMP, the other property gStrTimeToLive specifies the validity of the request in seconds.
#Header Type
#Timestamp interval
In cases where the user or flow configuration sets contain details of more than one environment, prefix the header property with the application string.
#Header Type
#Timestamp interval
For the older versions of Oracle Utilities applications, only the user credentials are expected. So specify the header as USERTOKEN.
#Header Type
In cases where there is a mix of environments that use the new header type and old header type in the same file, specify the properties for individual environments as follows.
#Header Type
#Timestamp interval
#Header Type
Note: The user credentials are sent as digest by default. To send them as plain text, set the property mentioned needs to ‘true’.
gStrSendPasswordAsText = true