Creating Flow Modules
Related flows can be grouped into a flow module. By default, each product has a “Default” module under which all flows are created unless they are explicitly created under a named module.
To create a flow module:
1. Navigate to Flow menu > product under which the flow module should be created.
2. Right-click the product and click Create Flow Module to create a new flow module.
To create a flow under a flow module:
1. Navigate to Flow menu > product and flow module under which the new flow should be created.
2. Right-click the flow module and click Create Flow to create a new flow under the selected flow module.
To move an existing flow to a flow module:
1. Navigate to Flow menu > flow that should be moved to a flow module.
2. Right-click the flow and click Move to Flow Module.
3. Select the target flow module.
4. Click Move.