Batch Processes
There are two main types of batch processes that manage data for ILM in the application: ILM Crawler Initiator and individual ILM Crawlers (one for each MO that is configured for ILM).
ILM Crawler Initiator: (F1-ILMIN) - The ILM Crawler Initiator is a driver batch process that starts the individual ILM Crawler batch control as defined by the MO’s options.
Restartable: In case of server failure, the ILM Crawler Initiator process can be restarted, which will also restart the ILM Crawler processes.
ILM Crawler: Each maintenance object that is configured for ILM defines an ILM Crawler. These are child batch processes that can be started either by the ILM Crawler Initiator or by a standalone batch submission.
The ILM Crawler batch process selects records whose retention period has elapsed and invokes the MO's ILM eligibility algorithm to determine if the record is ready to be archived or not. The ILM eligibility algorithm is responsible for setting the record's ILM archive switch to 'Y' and updating the ILM date, if necessary.
The retention period defines the period that records are considered active. It spans the system date and cutoff date (calculated as system date - retention days).
The retention days of an MO is derived as follows:
If the ILM Retention Days MO option is defined, that is used.
Otherwise, the Default Retention Days from the ILM Master Configuration record is used.
An error is issued if no retention period is found.
The crawler calculates the cutoff date and selects all records whose ILM archive switch is 'N' and whose ILM date is prior to the cutoff date. Each record returned is subject to ILM eligibility.
If the Override Cutoff Date parameter is supplied, it will be used instead of the calculated cutoff date. An error is issued if the override cutoff date is later than the calculated cutoff date. This parameter is useful if an object has many years of historic data eligible for archiving. Setting this parameter allows for widening the retention period and therefore limiting the process to a shorter period for initial processing
ILM Crawler batch processes are designed not to interfere with current online or batch processing. Because of this, these batch processes can run throughout the day.
Before passing the cut-off date to the algorithm, the ILM crawler ensures that the number of days calculated (System Date – override cut-off date) is more than the retention period specified in the MO option or the Master Configuration. If the number of days calculated is less than the retention period specified on the MO option or the Master Configuration, then it throws an error.