Configuring Maintenance Objects for Bundling
Most base package meta-data objects are pre-configured to support bundling. All other objects must be manually configured.
If a base package maintenance object is pre-configured for bundling, the Eligible For Bundling option will be set to "Y" on the Options tab for the maintenance object.
To configure other objects for bundling, review the configuration tasks below and complete all those that apply:
Configuration Task
Scope of Task
Make maintenance objects eligible for bundling
All objects to be included in the bundle.
Add a foreign key reference
All objects to be included in the bundle.
Create a physical business object
All objects to be included in the bundle.
Create a bundling add business object
Only needed if there are objects with recursive or optional foreign key references.
Add the Current Bundle zone
Perform this step for any object where you want the Current Bundle zone to appear on the maintenance object's dashboard. This is not required by the bundling process.
Create a custom Entity Search zone and add it to the Bundle Export portal
Perform this step if you would like the object to be listed in the Entity Search zone in the Bundle Export portal. This is not required by the bundling process.
Making Maintenance Objects Eligible for Bundling
The "Eligible For Bundling" maintenance object option must be set to "Y" for all bundled objects. Go to the Maintenance Object page and search for the maintenance object. On the Options tab, add a new option with the type Eligible For Bundling. Set the value to "Y" and click Save. This configuration must be in both the source environment and the target environment.
Adding a Foreign Key Reference
Foreign key references are used for many purposes and most maintenance objects should have them anyway. Check the Maintenance Object options to see if there is an entry for the Foreign Key Reference option. If one is not configured, navigate to FK Reference and set up a foreign key reference for the primary table of the maintenance object. Configure that new FK reference on the maintenance object using an option.
Creating a Physical Business Object
If the maintenance object does not already have a Physical BO configured, one must be created to support using it in a bundle. Refer to Creating a Physical Business Object for more information.
Creating a Bundling Add Business Object
If the objects to be bundled have recursive foreign key references, optional foreign key references or child tables that include foreign key references, create a bundling add business object to avoid problems with referential integrity.
1. Navigate to Business Object and specify the maintenance object.
2. Click Generate in the BO Schema dashboard zone to generate a schema that looks like the physical structure of the maintenance object.
3. Remove all child tables and all elements that are not required.
4. Save the business object.
5. Navigate to Maintenance Object and search for the maintenance object you want to bundle.
6. On the Option tab, add a new option with the type Bundling Add BO. The value is the name of the bundling add business object you just created.
Adding the Current Bundle Zone
If you want the Current Bundle zone to appear on the maintenance object's dashboard, you must add the Current Bundle zone as a context-sensitive zone for the maintenance object.
1. Navigate to Context Sensitive Zone and search for the navigation key for the maintenance object.
2. Add the Current Bundle zone F1-BNDLCTXT, to that navigation key.
Adding a Customized Entity Search Query Zone to the Bundle Export Portal
If you want the maintenance object to be searchable in the Bundle Export portal in the Entity Search zone, you must first create an entity-specific query zone to search for the maintenance object. Then you must create a customized entity search zone that references this new query zone. Finally, you must add the customized entity search zone to the Bundle Export portal.
Note that not all base product entities that are eligible for bundling have a search configured for this zone. There is a limit to the number of searches that may be listed here. The base product has provided searches for only the most common objects that are bundled.
Create an entity-specific query zone to search for the maintenance object:
1. Navigate to Zone and search for one of the base query zones, such as the Algorithm Search zone F1-BNALGS.
2. Click the Duplicate button in the record actions section.
3. Enter a name and description for the new zone.
4. Click Save.
5. Customize the details of the parameters for your maintenance object.
Create a customized entity search zone. This step only needs to be done once. If you already have a customized search zone in the Bundle Export portal, skip this step.
1. Navigate to Zone and search for the F1-BNDLENTQ Entity Search zone.
2. Duplicate this zone.
3. Remove any references to base query zones.
Add the new entity-specific query zone to the customized entity search zone:
1. Locate the customized entity search zone for your Bundle Export portal. This is the zone created in the previous step.
2. Add the name of the query zone you created in the first step to the list of Query Zones.
Add the customized entity search zone to the Bundle Export portal. This step needs to be done only once.
1. Navigate to Portal and search for the Bundle Export portal, F1BNDLEM.
2. In the zone list, add the entity search zone you created above. (Add the new zone after the base entity search zone).
3. Save the portal.