Creating and Applying Import Bundles
Import bundles define a group of entities to be added or updated in the target environment.
Before you create an import bundle, you must have already created an export bundle, added entities, and set the bundle's state to Bundled.
To create an import bundle and apply it to the target environment:
1. If you have not already copied the XML from the export bundle, do so now:
a. Select Admin > Implementation Tools > Bundle Export and search for the bundle.
b. Copy the XML from the Bundle Detail zone to the clipboard (or to a text file).
2. Log on to the target environment.
3. Select Admin > Implementation Tools > Bundle Import > Add.
4. In the Bundle Actions zone, click Edit XML.
5. Paste the contents of the clipboard (or text file if you created one) into the Bundle Detail zone.
6. Make any necessary changes to the XML and click Save. The status of the import bundle is set to Pending.
Use caution when editing the XML to avoid validation errors.
7. To remove entities from the import bundle or change their sequence, click Edit. Enter your changes and click Save to exit the Edit dialog.
8. When you are ready to apply the bundle, click Apply. The import bundle state is set to Applied and the entities are added or updated in the target environment.