To Do Entries Reference A Role
Every To Do entry references a role. The role defines the users who may be assigned to Open entries.
The permissible roles that may be assigned to a To Do entry are defined on the entry's To Do type. After an entry is created, its role may be changed to any role defined as valid for the entry's To Do type.
The base package determines the initial To Do Role as follows:
The system checks if an entry's message category / number is rerouted to a specific role. If so, it defaults this role. Refer to Adjusting the To Do Role for more information.
There may be some other condition related to the object linked to your To Do entry that warrants an override role. A To Do pre-creation plug-in would be used to check the conditional logic and override the role, if applicable.
If a Role wasn't determined in one of the previous steps and a Role is provided by the initiating process (algorithm or background process), the entry is created with that Role.
If the entry does not have a role after the above takes place, the entry's To Do type's default role is assigned to the entry.
At installation time, the system provides a default role assigned to the system To Do types when first installed called F1_​DFLT. This is done to allow testing of the system prior to implementing of appropriate To Do roles for your organization. The recommendation is to configure all the To Do Types with appropriate business oriented To Do roles once they are defined.
Supervisors for a Role
Most organizations have the notion of a supervisor who is responsible for all entries assigned to a given role. A user that is considered a supervisor should be a valid user in a role. In addition, application security is used to provide supervisors access to additional capabilities, namely the ability to review To Do entries assigned to other users and the ability to assign To Do entries to other users.
The pages listed in To Do Supervisor Functions are meant for supervisors only. So security for these pages should be restricted to those users that are considered supervisors. The To Do Management portal and the To Do Search page are available to all users. There is a special access mode for Supervisors to allow those users the ability to assign To Do entries to other users.