JMS Message Browser
The JMS Message Browser portal allows you to select a JMS queue and view messages currently in the queue.
In order for a JMS queue to be available on the portal, a message sender must be defined that is configured for the appropriate JMS queue with the credentials to connect to the queue.
If your organization sends real-time outgoing messages to a JMS queue, this configuration would exist as per the details in Real-Time Message Configuration.
If inbound web service messages are routed to the system via a JMS queue, no configuration is needed in the system. However, if you would like to view the messages in the queue in the JMS message browser portal, configuration for the JMS queues as described for outgoing messages is required.
Navigate to the portal using Main > Integration > JMS Message Browser.
The JMS Senders zone provides a list of configured message senders eligible for selection.
The JMS Message List zone is visible for the JMS Sender broadcast from the first zone. This zone supports selecting one or more records to delete from the queue. Use the message selector to limit the results to messages that satisfy the message selector. This uses standard JMS API message selector functionality. Refer to the zone embedded help for information about the supported syntax.
The JMS Message Details zone displays a message broadcast from the list zone.