Defining a Migration Request
Migration Requests are used to define the data to be included in a migration. To view or define a migration request, navigate using Admin > Implementation Tools > Migration Request.
Use the Migration Request Query portal to search for an existing migration request. Once a migration plan is selected, you are brought to the maintenance portal to view and maintain the selected record.
There are three types or classes of migration request. The system provides a base business object for each along with a migration request class, which matches the business object. The subsequent sections provide more information about each class of migration request.
Note that all migration requests support defining a Category, which allows implementers to categorize the migration request.
In addition, all classes of migration request include the following zones:
Migration Request This zone contains display-only information about the selected record. Please see the zone's help text for information about this zone's fields.
Referencing Migration Requests This zone is only visible if the displayed migration request is included in a Group migration request. It lists each group migration request that includes it.
Other zones may appear for specific classes of migration requests. See the following sections for more information.
This type of migration request defines a set of migration plans to be logically included together as part of a migration. For each migration plan, selection criteria is defined to indicate which records for each MO should be included. Selection may be defined using SQL, an algorithm or explicit primary key values.
For selection using SQL Statement, refer to the embedded help for examples.
For selection using Algorithm, the algorithms that are eligible to be plugged in here are those valid for the Migration Request - Select system event.
For selection using Specific Keys, the primary key (1 through 5) must be explicitly specified. Multiple rows are allowed.
Entity List
This type of migration request allows the user to choose explicit MO / prime keys. The MOs that are eligible are those that are configured with a Default Migration Plan option. Although the user is managing MO / PKs, the migration instructions are still defined with a migration plan. The system maps the migration instructions in a similar way to a Criteria-based migration requests that use a Specific Key selection type. Note however that it will create a separate migration instruction for each MO / PK combination. It does not try to group all PKs for the same MO / migration under one migration instruction.
For this type of migration request, a user adds a migration request record with its description and other main information. Then, a special zone Add Entities is provided to find and select records based on a selected maintenance object and add to the migration request. The user is prompted to provide a reference and comments, if desired. If the category selected is one that requires a reference, then this will be validated. Alternatively, you may also use the Collect Entity dashboard zone to add specific entities as you review them on their respective maintenance portals.
When maintaining a migration request with existing entities, they are visible in the zone Migration Request Entities . This zone allows a user to remove the entity from the list.
This type of migration request points to other migration requests. This allows you to define separate migration requests that represent logical groupings of migration plan instructions for ease of maintenance, but to combine all the separate migration requests into a single "grouped" migration request for streamlined export / import purposes.
The CMA export process will build an extract that includes the union of all the objects that qualify for the export and group them together based on their relationships.