Importing Data that References a User
Although the tool supports copying users from one environment to another, the assumption is that it will be more common for implementations to define their valid users for each environment separately. In fact, the default CMA configuration for copying security configuration assumes that users are not being copied.
There may be times were a record is being copied from one environment to another where a user is referenced on the record but that user is not valid in the target environment. For example, if a batch control is configured as Timed with a user referenced, if this batch control is copied to another environment, what should happen if that user is not found? You may not want that user defined in the target environment. To handle this, the product provides support for a Default User that you can define in the migration assistant configuration. If this default user is configured then any time the CMA import process recognizes that a record references a User and the user does not exist in the target environment, it updates the record to instead refer to the default user.
Please note that if you are trying to copy entities that includes valid users, you should ensure that all the users are copied to the target environment first. Otherwise, the entity will be updated to refer to the default user, which may not be your intention.
If you copy records that reference a User within an XML field or CLOB, the CMA input tool is not able to detect that. A pre-compare algorithm is recommended if this use case exists in your implementation.