Business Object Inheritance
A business object may inherit business rules from another business object by referencing the latter as its parent. A child business object can also have children, and so on. A parent's rules automatically apply to all of its children (no compilation - it's immediate). A child business object can always introduce rules of its own but never remove or bypass an inherited rule.
The following is an illustration of multiple levels of business object inheritance.
Multiple levels of business object inheritance
Notice how the "Business Customer" business object extends its parent rules to also enforce a credit history check on all types of customers associated with its child business objects.
Most types of business object system events allows for multiple algorithms to be executed. For example, you can have multiple Validation algorithms defined for a business object. For these, the system executes all algorithms at all levels in the inheritance chain starting from the highest-level parent business object moving on to lower levels.
Other types of system events allows for a single algorithm to be executed. For example, you can only have one Information algorithm to format the standard description of a business object instance. For these, the system executes the one at the level nearest to the business object currently being processed.
The parent and its children must reference the same maintenance object.
Note:Data structures are not inherited. While you can declare schemas on parent business objects, their children will not inherit them. A good practice is to design child business object schemas to include their parent business object's schema.
Note:User interface maps are inherited. When determining if the business object has a UI map to use for UI rendering, the system looks for display and maintenance maps linked to the BO as options. If the identifying BO does not have maps defined, the system follows “up the chain” of inheritance until it finds a map to use. This allows for a child BO to be used to extend business rules of a parent BO but inherit its user interface behavior. Refer to Business Object Defines its User Interface for more information.
Note:Use Inheritance Wisely. While it is intellectually attractive to abstract behavior into parent BOs to avoid redundant logic and simplify maintenance, before doing this weigh the reuse benefits against the cost in transparency, as it is not easy to maintain a complex hierarchy of business objects.