User - Portal Preferences
The base product contains several portals that allow users to customize them via portal preferences. Portal preferences allow users to control:
Which zones appear on the portal
The order in which the zones appear
Whether the zones should be "collapsed" (i.e., minimized) when the portal opens.
Note:You may not be able to change your portal preferences. If a note appears immediately before the list of portals, a system administrator has configured your user ID to reference a Portals Profile User (this is defined on the Main tab). Preferences set in this way cannot be modified. System administrators do this in order to enforce a common look-and-feel throughout the user community.
Open the User page and then navigate to the Portal Preferences tab to modify a user’s preferences.
Description of Page
The accordion contains a row for every portal configured to show on user preferences and to which you have access. To change how a portal's zones appear, expand the respective row and change the elements accordingly. The remainder of this section describes how you can configure how a portal's zones appear.
Zone lists all of the zones in the portal.
Place a check under Display if the zone should be displayed on the portal.
Place a check under Initially Collapsed if the zone should be minimized when the portal is initially opened. Setting zones as initially collapsed is a good idea to save space and to help pages to load more quickly. Refer to Zones May Appear Collapsed When A Page Opens for more information.
Recommendation. It is recommended that you set your preferences to collapse zones that you don't use often. This is because the system doesn't perform the processing necessary to build collapsed zones until you ask to expand a zone. Opening a page with zones collapsed accelerates the response times of portal.
Use Sequence to control the position of the zone in respect of the other zones. This field is disabled if Display is not checked. Duplicate Sequence numbers are allowed.
For zones displaying data that is changing often, use Refresh Seconds to define in seconds how often the zone is refreshed. The minimum valid value is 15. The maximum valid value is 3600 (1 hour). A value of 0 indicates no automatic refresh.
Security Access indicates whether the user has access rights to a zone. Refer to Granting Access To Zones for more information.