Complete A To Do
After you finish working on an entry, you can mark it as Complete. At this point, you may want to review potentially related To Do entries and complete those that have been addressed by resolving the problem associated with the current entry.
When you complete a To Do, a log entry is created that indicates when the To Do was completed and by whom.
There are multiple ways in which you can complete a To Do.
The To Do Management page provides many filters in addition to To Do Type. One or more entries may be completed in this page.
Use the To Do Entry page to complete a single To Do Entry. The user may also choose to add comments when completing a To Do on this page.
The To Do List page allows you to complete one or more selected entries of a specific To Do Type.
The To Do Search page allows you to search for To Do entries using various search criteria and complete selected ones.
You may also use the Current To Do zone to complete the current entry you are working on and/or all related entries assigned to you.
It is possible for the system to automatically mark an entry as Complete. Refer to The Lifecycle Of A To Do Entry for more information.