Address Geocoding
The scheduler has to be provided with the geocode of any location that may be included on a crew's route. These include locations of assets, service centers, substations, etc.
Unless a geocode is provided, algorithms on the various business entities that capture an address attempt to geocode the address when the entity is added or when the address changes.
The minimum match quality level for address geocoding is configurable. By default, the base system requires an exact match, which is the maximum quality level. You can control the quality level of geocoding for any entity that has an address by overriding the match quality parameter of the algorithms on each entity with a different minimum quality level, based on your business needs.
Logic to geocode an address resides in an "Address Geocoding" algorithm on the installations options.
Geocoding, when used in conjunction with GIS, provides location-based mapping and analysis of assets and activities residing within your infrastructure.
Map layers display the operational details for services provided by your company.
Exact location of activities, work orders, and other objects are easily viewed and managed directly from the map.
New assets created from the map are already plotted with Geocode coordinates.