Digital Asset Management Integrations
This section describes options for integrating Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service and Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Management with other systems.
Inbound Web Services
Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service and Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Management include inbound web service REST APIs that can be used for customer enrollment and unenrollment, and for managing event participation. Refer to Inbound Web Services for general information about inbound web service options.
Program Enrollments
The Program Enrollments (X1-ProgramEnrollment) inbound web service can be used to enable submission of program enrollment and unenrollment requests from external systems such as a customer information system. This web service includes the following operations:
Create Program Enrollment (enrollProgram): Used to create an enrollment request to enroll a customer in a program
Create Program Unenrollment (unenrollProgram): - Used to create an unenrollment request to unenroll (remove) a customer from a program
Get Program Enrollment (getProgramEnrollment): - Used to retrieve enrollment information 
Get Program Unenrollment (getProgramUnenrollment): - Used to retrieve unenrollment information 
Use the Inbound Web Service portal to view additional details about this web service and its supported operations. See About Enrollment and Unenrollment for more information about the processes used to enroll and unenroll customers in programs.
Program Event Participation
The Program Event Participation (X1-ProgramEventParticipation) inbound web service can be used to send event participation data from external systems such as an advanced distribution management system (ADMS) such as Oracle Utilities Network Management System or a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system to Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service and Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Management. This web service includes the following operations:
Reserve Device (reserveDevice): Used to "reserve" devices for an upcoming event by creating records in the Event Participation table. This process can also create an event if it doesn't already exist.
Pre-Event Cancellation (preEventCancellation): Used to cancel a program event for one more devices before it transpires
Post-Event Update (postEventOutcome): Used to update device event participation records with the outcome of the event
Use the Inbound Web Service portal to view additional details about this web service and its supported operations. See About Program Events and About Event Participation for more information about event participation.
Network Management System Integration
The Oracle Utilities Digital Assets Cloud Service Integration to Oracle Utilities Distributed Energy Resources Management System supports integration with Oracle Utilities Network Management System and other components of the Oracle Utilities DERMS solution. This integration provides the following functionality:
Device Data Synchronization: As controllable devices are created and updated in Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service and Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Management, device data synchronized with Oracle Utilities Network Management System.
Control Score Extract: Device control scores are extracted and sent to Oracle Utilities Network Management System on a daily basis. DERMS operators use this control score information (in addition to other data) to identify sets of devices that should participate in program events.
Event Participation: Oracle Utilities Network Management System sends device reservation information to Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service and Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Management to create event participation records (and events if they don't already exist in the system)
Refer to the  Oracle Utilities Digital Assets Cloud Service Integration to Oracle Utilities Distributed Energy Resources Management System documentation for more information about this integration.