Enabling Change Request For Another Entity
To enable change request for another object, you need to do the following:
Add a new value to the “Change Request Related Object” extendable lookup.
Select the corresponding entity value. For example, Cost Center.
Select the corresponding FK reference, which is used to search for a specific instance of the related object. For example, a particular cost center.
Create the change request types for the new related object.
Associate the maintenance portal of that entity to the dashboard change request context sensitive zone as follows:
Find the maintenance portal by navigating to Admin, select Portal, and then search for the portal page.
Click the Navigation Option hyperlink to navigate to the portal’s navigation option.
Go to the Target Transaction and copy the navigation key.
Navigate to Admin, click Context Sensitive Zone, and then paste the navigation key into the Navigation Key field and click Search.
Add the Change Request Dashboard (W1–CGRQDASH) to the Zone column for this navigation key.
If you want to have a nicely formatted UI on the change requests with separate fields for users to enter new values, you need to do the following:
Create a “mini” BO for that object.
Navigate to the entity’s maintenance object, select the Options tab, and select the change request “Valid BO Option Type” for the entity’s maintenance object options.
Define the “mini” BO as a BO option of Option Type “Change Request BO” on the base BO for that object. Please refer to those objects delivered as product values for the “Change Request Related Object”, except for General” change requests. For example, if you go to BO “W1-Vendor”, you will see such BO options.
Please Note:
The mini BO should simply include a list of elements you would like to include in the change request process but without Record Actions and so forth. Please refer to our base “mini” BO’s for an example.
Without a “mini” BO, users can only describe the changes they would like to make in the detail description text field. As such, users need to manually make the updates in the system upon approval of the change request and then update the change request to an “Applied” status. Please note that change requests of a “General” type are not for any specific object thus, are not a “mini” BO by definition.
If you want to have audit logs for changes to elements defined in the mini BO, please add the audit algorithm ‘W1GENCGRQLOG’ to the BO’s that the mini BO is added to as a BO option.
Flush the online cache.
Replace the cis.jsp section of the url with flushAll.jsp (case sensitive) and refresh the url.
Once finished, it is traditional to close all of your browser windows and log in.