Understanding Documents
The product supports several classes of documents that can assist users in performing their work. This section describes topics related to managing and referencing documents.
Any electronic file type, such as Word, PowerPoint, JPEG and so on can be uploaded into the system as an attachment. Refer to Attachment Overview for more information about file attachments.
An attachment may also reference a URL to an externally stored document. When using this type of attachment, the content of the document is not uploaded into the system. Instead, only the link to the document is captured on the attachment record.
Attachments, both Owned and Referenced, are consolidated into a single zone. A user can click the attachment hyperlink to navigate directly to the attachment record or click the View button to launch the file or URL associated with the attachment.
Reference Attachments
When an attachment relates to or describes a specific entity, it is uploaded to the system as owned by that entity. For example, a picture of an asset is uploaded to the system as owned by the specific asset record. These attachments are typically uploaded and maintained on the portal of the owning entity.
An attachment that is owned by one entity may be listed for reference on another entity. For example, you may reference an asset’s owned attachment on a work activity planned for that asset. These attachments are referred to as reference attachments. Note that such reference is not a copy of the original attachment but a link to it. When making a change to the content of the attachment being referenced, the changes are reflected everywhere it is referenced.
While many entities support the ability to capture their own attachments, only selected entities support the ability to reference attachments of other entities.
A Document Record Represents a Folder of Attachments
The Document entity may be used to organize multiple related attachments into folders when applicable. Each document record represents a folder to which you may upload multiple file attachments and add URL attachments. These attachments are owned by the document record and can be referenced elsewhere as needed.
Standard Notes
Standard notes allow you to create boilerplate text, a note, which can be attached to records wherever a note might be needed to provide additional information.
Notes are displayed in the Standard Notes zone of selected entities, such as stock items, blank contracts, purchase orders, and requisitions.