Valid Measurement Types
Measurement types define the units to use for a particular measurement and establish the values needed to support the evaluation of measurements such as upper and lower reading thresholds, maximum reading value, and so on. Asset measurements, or operational data, might include mileage, hours of uptime, number of start-stops, and so on.
Please note the following with regard to of implementing measurement types.
Each asset is assigned a list of valid measurement types to regulate the types of measurements taken for that asset.
An Asset can have many measurement types, but the measurement identifiers of the asset must be unique. In other words, if two measurement types share the same measurement identifier, then they will not be allowed on a single asset, at the same time. This rule enforces the notion that when a user enters data, or when a report queries data, there will never be any overlap in measurement history.
Typically measurement types would be metered reads or gauge reads. Gauge reads are usually compared to a threshold or valid range of values. For example, tire pressure for a typical truck tire should be between 34 and 36 psi. These would be defined as the lower limit and upper limit for the measurement type.
Measurement type identifiers can be used if the measurement type needs to be identified in an external system.
Measurement types can be configured to trigger to dos or automatically create work when readings are recorded that fall inside or outside of defined tolerances.
Measurement Type Exception Handling
The exception handling fields define the parameters for how the system should respond if there are issues with the reading such as the To Do Type and Role that should receive alerts, retries, and discard reason. For example, if the reading is outside of the measurement range, the system sends an alert to the indicated To Do Role.
Measurement Identifiers
Measurement identifiers establish the units used to measure assets. Each measurement type is meant to represent a unique combination of Unit of Measure, Time of Use, and a Special Identifier to uniquely describe the set of measurement readings taken for an asset. This might include tire pressure (psi), temperature ratings (degrees), daytime usage (kWh) (peak), and so on. The special identifier is used to uniquely describe unusual measurement configurations, like pressure input vs. pressure output (psi input, psi output) or even gas compositions (% argon, % helium)
Measurements manage the asset operational and runtime data which is collected and tracked for assets. Asset measurements might include mileage, hours of uptime, number of start-stops, and so on.
Please note the following with regard to measurements:
Configure the extendable lookup for Gauge Reason as needed.
Measurement readings are entered in the Measurement maintenance portal via the Measurement Quick Entry zone.