About Activity Generators
Activity generators are used for mass generation of activities. An Activity Generator business object is selected when creating activity generators, and is used for entering the criteria values for searching assets and asset locations that will be linked to the activities to be created. Such criteria includes location type, asset identifiers, location identifiers, address components, asset disposition, indication if asset is installed or not, asset type, specification and among others. Required information also includes, the activity type, disposition of the created activities, maximum number of activities that will be created, and an indication if the activities will be created via batch processing.
The base package includes the following set of activity generator business objects containing the various criteria:
Asset Criteria (W1–AssetCriteriaActGenerator): used to define asset-related criteria used to select the assets for which activities will be created (for example, activities for all assets for a certain asset type, a specified current disposition or condition, or whose identifiers contain specific characters, and so on).
Asset List (W1–AssetListActGenerator): used to define a list of assets for which activities will be created.
Component Criteria (W1–CompnCriteriaActGenerator): used to define component-related criteria to select the components for which activities will be created (for example, asset inspection activities for all assets for a certain component type, a specified current disposition or condition, or whose identifiers contain specific characters, and so on).
Component List (W1–CompnAssetListActGenerator): used to define a list of assets for which activities will be created.
Location Criteria (W1–NodeCriteriaActGenerator): used to define location-related criteria to select the asset locations for which activities will be created (for example, activities for all locations where assets are current installed, locations of a specific type, or whose identifiers contain specific characters, and so on).
Activity generators are defined by:
Status: The current status of the activity generator.
Batch Generation Requested: A flag that indicates if the activities created by the asset activity generator should be generated using batch processing.
Generator Information: Details related to the specific activity generator business object (Asset List, Asset, Location, and so on) used by the asset activity generator.
Activity Information: Details for the types of activities created by the asset activity generator, including activity type, default disposition, activation and work lead days (defaulted from the asset activity type), and the maximum number of activities to be created.
Specific activity generators contain additional information based on their business object. For instance, activity generators based on the Location Criteria business object includes Location Information and Address Information sections.