About Work Planning
Work Planning is a portal for those employees responsible for planning work. This portal contains a variety of zones that enable planners to view multiple summary graphs for open work activities and to search for, update, and schedule multiple work activities at one time. Planners can use this portal to manage their long to mid-term planning needs while also resolving any backlog of activities.
The Work Planning portal shows planners the number of open work activities in a variety of graphical views:
Open Work Activity by Status
Open Work Activity by Status (Without Planner)
Open work Activity by Phase
Open Work Activity by Held for Parts grouped by Required by Date
Planners can help coordinate many types of specialized activities and manage many other types of work activities by using the various search criteria inherent in this portal:
Activity Information
Activity Work Windows
Activity Checklist Information
Activity Permit Information
Activity Maintenance Information
Activity Labor Requirement Information
Previously Scheduled Unfinished Work
Planners can also use the results of the search to select multiple activities and mass update activity values at one time:
Work Window Start and End Date
Work Priority
Work Class
Work Category
Outage Type
The search results can also be used to select multiple activities with labor requirements and schedule them directly to a crew shift.
Planners can also use the Log Entry to add notes in the audit log.
Please see Work Management for more information.