Maintaining Reorder Reviews
The Reorder Review portal is used to display and maintain a reorder review record.
You can access the portal from Menu, select Inventory, then select Reorder Review. You are brought to a query portal with options for searching for a specific reorder review. Once a reorder review has been selected, you are brought to the maintenance portal to view and maintain the selected record.
The following zones may appear as part of the portal's Main tab page:
Reorder Review: This zone displays information, such as reorder details and vendor information, for the selected reorder review record.
The following zones may appear as part of the portal's Availability tab page:
Stock Item Inventory: This zone displays information about inventory quantity for the selected reorder review record.
Stock Item Availability: This zone enables broadcasting of stock item availability per storeroom for the reorder review record.
Storeroom Alternative Stock Items: This zone displays once a storeroom is broadcast from the Stock Item Availability zone and provides a list of alternate stock items.
Storeroom Stock Item Lots: This zone displays once a storeroom, having inventory lot managed records, is broadcast from the Stock Item Availability zone. The zone displays the expiration date, lot stock item detail, and inventory quantity for the corresponding lot records.
Material Issue History Summary: This zone displays a summary of all the material issued for the current stock item.