Material Request Templates
A material request template is a collection of stock items that is used to easily populate a material request. For example, a template could exist for “office supplies” that contains the collection of office supply stock items that the user can add to the request. Likewise, you might have a template to request all of the items on a bill of materials.
Each storeroom can have multiple templates.
Only stock items in inventory (both Lot Managed and Not-Lot Managed) and tracked assets can be specified on a template. The stock items must have a stock item detail at the storeroom.
Direct purchase stock items cannot be referenced on a material request template.
An expense code, if populated on the material request template, overrides the expense code from the Stock Item Detail and will be populated on the request.
A default count can be included on the template to indicate the default request quantity of the stock item. For example, your organization might always request the same amount of the stock item. This can be specified on the template.
After a material request is created, the line items can be added by referencing the template then selecting items from a picklist.