All REST Endpoints

Financials/Chart of Accounts
This REST service synchronizes Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Chart of Accounts with Work and Asset Management Cost Center and Expense Codes, by creating Work and Asset Management Cost Center Ongoing Data Synchronization objects to process the requests.
Synchronize Chart of Accounts
Method: post
Path: https://server:port/rest/apis/asset/financials/chartOfAccountsSynchronization/
Financials/Create or Update Project
Create or Update Project
Method: post
Path: https://server:port/rest/apis/asset/financials/createOrUpdateProject/
Inventory/Stock Items
A stock item sync request record manages the creation or update of a stock item.
Synchronize Stock Item
Method: post
Path: https://server:port/rest/apis/asset/inventory/stockItemSync/sync
Purchasing/Blanket Contract
This REST service synchronizes Enterprise Resource Planning Blanket Contracts with Work and Asset Management.
Synchronize Blanket Contract
Method: post
Path: https://server:port/rest/apis/asset/purchasing/blanketContractSynchronization/
This REST service synchronizes Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Invoice and Payments with Work and Asset Management, by creating Work and Asset Management Invoice inbound integration objects.
Synchronize Invoice
Method: post
Path: https://server:port/rest/apis/asset/purchasing/invoiceSynchronization/
Purchasing/Purchase Orders
This REST service synchronizes an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Purchase Order with the Work and Asset Management Purchase Order inbound integration object.
Synchronize Purchase Order
Method: post
Path: https://server:port/rest/apis/asset/purchasing/purchaseOrderSynchronization/
Purchasing/Vendor Location Synchronization
This REST service synchronizes Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Suppliers with Work and Asset Management Vendor and Vendor Locations, by creating Work and Asset Management Vendor Location Data Synchronization objects.
Synchronize Vendor Location
Method: post
Path: https://server:port/rest/apis/asset/purchasing/vendorLocationSynchronization/
This REST web service synchronizes Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) - Human Capital Management (HCM) Absence with a Work and Asset Management Employee Unavailability. This web service creates WAM Employee Unavailability creates new or updates existing records.
Create or Update Leave
Method: put
Path: https://server:port/rest/apis/asset/resources/leave/{externalId}
This REST service synchronizes Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) - Human Capital Management (HCM) Jobs with Work and Asset Management (WAM) Crafts, by creating WAM Craft records or updating existing records.
Create or Update Craft
Method: put
Path: https://server:port/rest/apis/asset/resources/crafts/{externalSystem}/{externalId}
This REST web service synchronizes Enterprise Resource Planning - Human Capital Management Employee records with Work and Asset Management.
Synchronize Employee
Method: post
Path: https://server:port/rest/apis/asset/resources/employeeSynchronization/
Communication logs show all the communications made against a work document. Communication logs can be linked to a variety of work records, such as work designs, work requests, work orders and service calls.
Create Communication
Method: post
Path: https://server:port/rest/apis/asset/work/communication/
Work/Maintain Service Calls
Service calls enable work to be created when a call from either an internal or external resource is received by a company representative. Work records, such as work designs, work requests, work orders, and work activities, can all be created as a result of the service call.
Cancel Service Call
Method: patch
Path: https://server:port/rest/apis/asset/work/serviceCalls/{serviceCallId}/cancelRequest
Work/Service Call Maintenance
The operations from the Work/Service Call Maintenance category.
Create Service Call
Method: post
Path: https://server:port/rest/apis/asset/work/serviceCalls/
Get Service Call
Method: get
Path: https://server:port/rest/apis/asset/work/serviceCalls/{serviceCallId}
Get Service Call Entities
Method: get
Path: https://server:port/rest/apis/asset/work/serviceCalls/{entityType}/{entityId}
Service Call Search
Method: post
Path: https://server:port/rest/apis/asset/work/serviceCalls/search
Work/Work Activity
A work activity is a specific task that needs to be planned, scheduled, and completed. For example, activities can be created for routine maintenance of assets or to fix or replace failed assets. The following details on the work activity control key aspects of the task. The type of work to be performed, for example whether it's routine preventive maintenance. A time window, during which the activity is preferred to be worked on. The resources, including craft, equipment, material and so on, that are required and the quantity for each resource.
Get Work Activity
Method: get
Path: https://server:port/rest/apis/asset/work/workActivity/{activityId}
Patch Work Activity Schedule Window
Method: patch
Path: https://server:port/rest/apis/asset/work/workActivity/scheduleWindow/{activityId}