Supported Database Platforms
Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management is certified on the following platforms:
Database Version
Oracle Enterprise Linux 7.x/8.0 (64-bit)
Oracle Database Server 19c
Oracle Solaris 11.4+ (64-bit)
Oracle Database Server 19c
Note: Windows Server is not supported for Production environments. Wherever Windows Server is referenced within this guide, it is supported for Test or Development environments only.

For Oracle Linux 7.x applicable end of support dates, refer to the Oracle Lifetime Support Policy: Oracle and Sun System Software and Operating Systems document.
The following Oracle Database Server Editions are supported:
Oracle Database Enterprise Edition
Oracle Database Standard Edition
Note: Oracle Database Enterprise Edition and the Partitioning and Advanced Compression options are not mandatory but recommended. Standard Edition should only be considered suitable for environments where scalability, performance, and database size-on-disk are not important considerations. Oracle Database Enterprise Edition, including the Advanced Compression and Partitioning options, is strongly recommended in all other situations.
Refer to My Oracle Support for additional details.
Support for Software Patches and Upgrades
Due to the ongoing nature of software improvement, vendors will periodically issue patches and service packs for the operating systems, application servers and database servers on top of specific versions that Oracle products have already been tested against.
If it is necessary to apply an upgrade, please do so in a test environment that is running on the same platform as your production environment prior to updating the production environment itself. The exception to this is Hibernate software 4.1.0 and Oracle 19c client version which should not be upgraded.
Always contact Oracle Support prior to applying vendor updates that do not guarantee backward compatibility.