Application Server Memory Requirements
For each application server environment a minimum of 4 GB of real memory is required, plus 6 GB of swap space. The approximate disk space requirements in a standard installation are as follows (the size represents the MINIMUM required):
Install Dir ("$SPLEBASE") Location
10 GB recommended
5 GB minimum
This is the location where the application and Framework get installed. Startup, shutdown and other online log files are stored here. The size and space that is used should be monitored because various debugging options can significantly affect the size of log files.

Note: This does not include the size of the edge product.
Log Dir ("$SPLOUTPUT") Location
10 GB recommended
2 GB minimum
This location is used for storing batch log files and output from batch jobs. The size of this space should be influenced by which batches are run and how often, and the amount of debugging information that is collected.
Location of the application web work files on the web servers
5 GB recommended
2 GB minimum
This location is used by various web server vendors to expand the application. It should be considered when installing these products.
Refer to the individual web server documentation to determine the location of the temporary files.
Installation Temporary Area
10 GB minimum
The application gets installed from this location. You need enough space to un-compress the files and install the application.
Oracle Data Area
10 GB minimum
This location is where the Oracle database data files are stored. The size of this space should be based on the requirements of the production environment. For an initial or demo database install 4 GB should be sufficient.