HTML Allow List
The HTML used in UI Maps can be limited using a HTML allow list. This product managed allow list lists the valid HTML tags that can be used in the HTML objects. The allow list is implemented as a Managed Content allow list named F1-HTMLWhiteList.
Any attempt to run a UI Map with a tag that is not listed in the F1-HTMLWhiteList will be ignored (as comments) which may lead to unexpected behavior.
Implementing a Custom HTML Allow List
It is possible to replace the inbuilt HTML allow list by creating a custom HTML allow list to extend the tags supported at runtime in UI Maps.
To implement a custom HTML allow list, copy the F1-HTMLWhiteList Managed Content to CM-HTMLWhiteList Managed Content and extend the allow list.
Note: Do not remove any tags that exist within F1-HTMLWhiteList in your custom allow list. This may cause unexpected behaviour across base UI Maps.

Any upgrades to F1-HTMLWhiteList must be also manually reflected in CM-HTMLWhiteList for any subsequent upgrade.