Upgrading from Legacy to Keystore
When upgrading from past releases of Oracle Utilities Application Framework and adopting the new keystore it is recommended to use the following process to adopt the keystore:
Ensure all passwords have been updated by executing the configureEnv and pressing enter at each password prompt.
Execute the process outlined in Synchronize Data Encryption running the com.splwg.shared.common.ChangeCryptographyKey utility with the -l option to convert old keys to new keys. For example:
java ChangeCryptographyKey -l
Ensure that you also execute the invokeDBUpdatePatch.sh process outlined in Synchronize Data Encryption.
Optionally, it is possible to update the passwords using the LegacyCryptographerUpdater utility on individual passwords using the following command:
java LegacyCryptographyUpgrader [-f <file>| -p <password>]
where options are:
-f <file>
Read <file> for password and re-encrypt to stdout
-p <password>
Decrypt old password <password> and re-encrypt to stdout. The password should be already in ENC format.
For more information and examples, refer to the Installation Guide and to Oracle Utilities Application Framework - Keystore Configuration (Doc Id: 2014161.1).