Exporting Schedules Across Environments
As the schedule is a set of dictionary objects it can be exported and imported using any of the Oracle database copy, cloning or exporting functions. Utilities such as exp or expdp can be used to export the schema of the owner of the schedule.
It is also possible to isolate the scheduler objects using the data pump INCLUDE function. The INCLUDE statement should use the following filter:
INCLUDE=procobj:"IN (SELECT NAME FROM sys.OBJ$ WHERE TYPE# IN (47,48,66,67,68,69,71,72,74))"
For example:
expdp <user>/<password> DIRECTORY=<directory> DUMPFILE=<expfile> LOGFILE=<logfile> SCHEMAS=<schema> INCLUDE=procobj:"IN (SELECT NAME FROM sys.OBJ$ WHERE TYPE# IN (47,48,66,67,68,69,71,72,74))"