Defining Display Profiles
When you set up your users, you reference a display profile. A user's display profile controls how dates, times, and numbers displayed. Choose Admin > General > Display Profile > Search to maintain display profiles.
Description of Page
Enter a unique Display Profile and Description to identify the profile.
Enter a Date Format. This affects how users view dates and how entered dates are parsed. The following table highlights standard supported date mnemonics and what is displayed at runtime.
Day of the month.
Day of the month, suppressing the leading 0.
Month number.
Month number, suppressing the leading 0.
The 4-digit year.
The 2-digit year.
Allows entry in either 2 or 4-digit form and is displayed in 2-digit form.
Other characters are displayed as entered. Typically, these other characters should be separators, such as "-", ".", or "/". Separators are optional; a blank space cannot be use.
Configuration Format
Sample Output
04-09-01 - In this case you could also enter the date as 04-09-2001
For centuries, the default pivot for 2-digit years is 80. Entry of a 2-digit year greater than or equal to 80 results in the year being interpreted as 19xx. Entry of a 2-digit year less than 80 results in the year being interpreted as 20xx.
In addition, the following date localization functionality is supported. Note that in every case, the date is stored in the database using the Gregorian format. The settings below result in a conversion of the date for the user interface.
Hijri Dates
Entering iiii for the year is interpreted as a year entered and displayed in Hijri format. For example, the Gregorian date 2014–05–30 may be entered / displayed as 1435/07/30 for a user whose display profile date format is iiii/MM/dd. Note that this functionality relies on date mapping to be defined in the Hijri to Gregorian Date Mapping master configuration. entry. Refer to Additional Hijri Date Configuration for more information.
Taiwanese Dates
Entering tttt for the year is interpreted as a year entered and displayed in Taiwanese format where year 1911 is considered year 0000. For example, if the Gregorian date is 01-01-2005, it is displayed as 01-01-0094 for a user whose display profile date format is dd-mm-tttt.
Japanese Dates
There are two options available for configuring Japanese Era date support. The setting Gyy for the year is interpreted as a year entered and displayed using an English character for the era followed by the era number. The letter 'T' is used for dates that fall within the Taisho era. The letter 'S' is used for dates that fall within the Showa era. The letter 'H' is used for dates that fall within the Heisei era. The letter 'R' is used for dates that fall within the Reiwa era. For example, for a user whose display profile date format is Gyy/mm/dd the Gregorian date 2008/01/01 is shown as H20/01/01; the Gregorian date 1986/03/15 is shown as S61/03/15. The setting GGGGyy is interpreted as a year entered and displayed using Japanese characters for the era followed by the era number.
Japanese date limitations are as follows:
The years 1912 through the current date are supported.
Any functionality that displays Month and Year does not support Japanese Era dates. These dates are shown in Gregorian format.
Graphs that display dates do not support the GGGGyy format.
Enter a Time Format. The following table highlights standard supported date mnemonics.
The hour 1-12.
The hour 1-12, suppressing the leading 0.
The hour 0-23.
The hour 0-23, suppressing the leading 0.
The hour 0-11.
The hour 0-11, suppressing the leading 0.
The hour 1-24.
The hour 1-24, suppressing the leading 0.
Minutes, suppressing the leading 0.
Seconds, suppressing the leading 0.
Indicates to include am or pm. This is only needed for 12 hour formats, not 24 hour formats. (hh, h, KK, K). If an am or pm is not entered, it defaults to am.
Configuration Format
Sample Output
09:34PM (can be entered as 09:34p)
There are several options for displaying Numbers.
Decimal Symbol defines the separator between the integer and decimal parts of a number. Valid values are "." (a period) or "," (a comma).
Group Symbol defines the means to separate groups of bigger numbers. Valid values are as follows:
A comma (","). Large numbers group by threes separated by a comma, for example 1,000,000.
A period ("."). Large numbers group by threes separated by a period, for example 1.000.000.
None. Large numbers do not have any separator, for example 1000000.
South Asian. This option uses a comma for its separator but will group large numbers as follows: the first comma is used for the thousands separation and numbers over 9,999 are grouped with 2 units, for example 10,00,000.
Space. Large numbers group by threes separated by a space, for example 1 000 000.
Negative Format defines how negative values are displayed. Valid values are -9.9, (9.9), or 9.9-.
Currency values can have a different Negative Format from other numbers. Valid values are -S9.9, (S9.9), or S9.9-, where the "S" represents the currency symbol.