Understanding Key Rings
Cryptography keys may be used to provide a signature to a request so that the system recognizes that the request comes from a trusted party. Keys may also be used to encrypt or decrypt files shared between two parties.
In this release, support for a Signature type of key is provided to be able to access files stored in Oracle Cloud Object Storage.
The product supports the ability for the following:
Maintaining pairs of keys - public and private. For keys generated in the system, the private key is stored in an appropriate "secret store" and the public key is available to copy and share with a third party.
Key rotation. For increased security, a new key pair should be generated periodically.
The Key Ring object is provided to reference the key pairs that are used over time for a given business use case. Only one key pair may be active at any given time.
The following sections include information about the functionality provided to support this functionality.