The Priority Of A To Do Entry
Some To Do entries may be more urgent to resolve than others. A To Do entry is associated with a priority level representing its relative processing order compared to other entries.
Priority level is assigned as follows:
If one or more Calculate Priority plug-ins are defined on the To Do entry's type, the system calls them to determine the entry's priority. They are called initially when a To Do entry is created and each time it gets updated. You may want to use this method if an entry's priority is based on context or time-based factors. For example, when priority takes into consideration account specific attributes. The system also provides a batch process (F1-TDCLP) that calls the calculate priority algorithms "at will" for non-closed To Do entries. This is useful when the priority should be reassessed periodically based on factors external to the To Do entry's information. Refer to To Do Type for more information on priority calculation algorithms. When the priority is determined by one of the algorithms, a log entry is created indicating that the priority was calculated.
If a priority value has not been determined by a plug-in, the system defaults a To Do entry's initial priority to the value specified on its type.
A user may manually override a To Do entry's priority at any time. When a user overrides the priority, a log entry is created indicating that the priority was overridden. Notice that once a To Do entry's priority is overridden, Calculate Priority plug-ins are no longer called so as to not override the value explicitly set by the user.
The system does not use priority values to control order of assignment nor processing of To Do entries. Priority is available to assist your organization with supporting a business practice that ensures higher priority issues are worked on first.