Assessing Level of Service
For some background processes, an implementation may wish to supply one or more algorithms that check some conditions to assess whether or not the process is performing as expected. An algorithm could be used to check the performance of the job to see if it is running as efficiently as expected. Or it could analyze the data processed by the background process to assess whether there may be some problem with the quality of the data.
The system provides a Level of Service plug-in spot on batch control to configure the appropriate algorithms for a given background process, if desired. Each algorithm is expected to return a value to indicate the 'level of service' determined along with a message indicating the reason for the value. The following Level of Service values are supported:
Normal. Indicates that the algorithm did not detect any issues.
Warning. Indicates that the algorithm found some issues that may or may not indicate a problem.
Error. Indicates that the algorithm found some issues that should be investigated.
Disabled. Indicates that the algorithm could not properly execute the level of service logic.
When viewing a batch control record, if there are any level of service algorithms configured, the logic is executed and the results are displayed. The level of service is also part of the Health Check service.