Timed Batch Processes
Most batch jobs are submitted via a batch scheduler. In the absence of a scheduler, a batch control may be configured as “timed” triggering the framework to monitor and schedule these batch jobs as defined by the timer interval. The timer interval defines the desired interval between starts (in seconds). The system schedules new batch runs at each interval if the last instance of the job has completed.
When configuring a batch control as “timed”, other default information must be provided, including the User ID and Language to use for submitting the job and the email address for notification, if desired.
Timed batch controls also include an Active setting, allowing for an implementation to temporarily stop further executions of the batch job (but retain the other timer settings).
Timed jobs are controlled by the default threadpool and not by a scheduler. When the DEFAULT threadpoolworker starts it will start executing any job for a Batch Control configured as Timed with the Timer Active set to Yes. This is whether the batch daemon or batch server is enabled or not.