Script Engine Version 2 and Above Notes
Scripting using the engine version 2 or above requires some extra syntax to take advantage of XPath 2 functionality. In general, any variable declared will be assumed to be a string. This means, that if you intend to construct a mathematical statement then it is necessary to explicitly declare the data type of variables as integers, numbers, or dates.
Unless otherwise noted, all XPath examples in this topic are for the Version 1 engine – which means XPath 1. Statements that function using XPath 1 will not necessarily work for XPath 2. This is especially true when executing math, see below for examples.
Date and Time Arithmetic
XPath date/time and interval data types support arithmetic operations ('+', '-', '*' etc.) and functions, which can be used for time calculations in the same way as '1 + xs:integer(value)' is used for numeric calculations.
Compare time duration:
if ("(xs:dateTime(fn:current-dateTime()) - xs:dateTime($updateDateTimeX))
   ge xs:dayTimeDuration(concat('PT', BO/hoursBetweenStatisticsUpdate, 'H'))")
   goto 60;
Compare one date to another:
if ("xs:date(parm/endDate) < xs:date(parm/startDate)")
   terminate with error (11108, 11507 element='endDate');
Compare a date against today's date:
if ("xs:date(parm/startDate) <= xs:date($CURRENT-DATE)")
   terminate with error (11108, 11507 element='endDate');
Calculate the end of month:
// covert to ISO
move "concat($year,'-',$mon2,'-01T00:00:00')" to $monthStart; 
// calculate
move "xs:dateTime($monthStart) + xs:yearMonthDuration('P1M') - xs:dayTimeDuration('P0DT1S')" 
  to $monthEnd;
// convert from ISO to OUAF
move "concat($year,'-',$mon2,'-',substring(string($monthEnd),9,2),'-23.59.59')" to $endDateTime;
XPath date/time/interval formats use the ISO standard, which needs to be converted to/from formats supported in the framework.
Comparing Date/Times in String Format
Any ISO-like string format for date/time preserves the YYYY MM DD HH MM SS sequence, which is zero-padded. Regardless of separators, this format will remain appropriate for comparison operations. In particular, date/time values in the framework format “YYYY-MM-DD.HH.MM.SS” can be used with “=”, “!=”, as well as “>”, “>=”, “<”, “<=” operators.
// retrieve framework date/time value
move "string(cm-MAXMSRMT/results[1]/measurementDateTime)" to $lastMsmtDT;
// construct another date/time
move "concat($year,'-01-01-00.00.00')" to $startDateTime;
// compare using string operators
if ("$lastMsmtDT >= $startDateTime")
    move "substring($lastMsmtDT,1,4)" to $latestMsrmtYear;
Converting Date/Times Between Framework and ISO
Conversion of date/time from framework format to ISO is only necessary for date/time arithmetic. Comparisons can be done with the framework format directly. The only difference between the framework format and ISO date/time formats is in the separators:
Framework: “YYYY-MM-DD.HH.MM.SS”
Example of converting from the framework format to ISO:
move "concat(substring($ouafDT, 1, 10), 'T', translate(substring($ouafDT, 12),'.',':'))" to $isoDT;
Example of converting from ISO to the framework format:
move "concat(substring($isoDT, 1, 10), '.', translate(substring($isoDT, 12),':','.'))" to $ouafDT;
Round Money With a Dynamic Currency Scale
Because different currencies support a different number of decimals, the framework provides an API for rounding a monetary amount based on a given currency.
move "parm/amount" to $qnty;
move "currency/decimals" to $decimals;
move "fn:round(xs:decimal($qnty) * math:exp10(xs:double($decimals))) 
  div math:exp10(xs:double($decimals))" to "parm/roundedAmount";
Looping through Sequences
In XPath 2 it is possible to organize a for-loop over a sequence of integers, not only a node list.
This example shows a loop over a range of months. This is a sequence-forming construct in XPath. The XPath node list, which we are familiar with, is just another type of sequence.
for ($month in "1 to 12")
This example shows a loop over a give range of years in descending order:
for ($year in "fn:reverse(parm/startYear to parm/endYear)")
     move "concat($year,'-01-01-00.00.00')" to $startDateTime;
     move "concat($year,'-12-31-23.59.59')" to $endDateTime;
This example shows a loop through a node list using ‘index’, so that other node lists can be accessed:
for ($idx in "1 to count(parm/touData/touList)")
     move "parm/touData/touList[$idx]" to $tou;   // access any list with this index   
The above syntax can be used as an elegant alternative to maintaining indices separately, for example instead of the following:
move “0” to $idx;
for ($item in "parm/touData/touList")
     move “1 + xs:integer($idx)” to $idx;
String Padding and Decimal Formatting
This is used with specific input formats or output formatting. It is applicable to zero, space and other types of padding.
This example shows prefixing for date/time components, for example producing “2010-01-02” instead of “2010-1-2”.
move "substring(concat('0',string($month)), string-length(string($month)), 2)" to $mon2; 
This example shows suffixing for adding decimal zero-padded alignment, for example producing “12.30” and “4.00” instead of “12.3” and “4”. The example performs 3 tasks: rounding to 2 decimals, inserting a period if necessary, and zero padding.
// round and zero-pad to 2 decimals
move "$item/amount" to $qty;
move "fn:round(xs:double($qty) * 100) div 100" to $qty;
move "string($qty)" to $qty;
move "concat(substring-before(concat($qty,'.'),'.'),'.',substring(concat(substring-after($qty,'.'),'00'),1,2))" to $qty;
Ternary Operation
This makes a choice between values based on a condition, so that it could be used in a single expression instead of an if/else block. It is know in C/C++ as ‘cond ? value1 : value2’ or in BASIC as ‘IFF(cond, value1, value2)’. In XPath the syntax is: "if (cond) then value1 else value2". Note this is not the top-level scripting if-statement block.
In XPath this is an expression, which can be combined with other expressions. In scripting it can be used as:
move "if (string(D1-UnitOfMeasure/measuresPeakQuantity) = 'D1MP') then 'D1MX' else 'D1SM' " to $func;
Pipeline Processing
In scripting, it is not easy to create a simple reusable piece of code as there are no local functions, and a separate script call is a coding overhead and requires packing/unpacking parameters. To avoid copying and pasting the same code block between similar script stages, consider ‘pipelining’, which is breaking the overall process into separate top-level steps, some of which could be shared between alternating paths. This is common for parameter preparation and output formatting. An intermediate result between stages can be stored in a “parm” substructure.
Instead of this code:
if ("type = A")
   prepare params ...
   call services for A ...
   format output ...
if ("type = B")
   prepare params ...
   call services for B ...
   format output ...
Consider this alternative:
prepare params ...

if ("type = A")
   call services for A ...
if ("type = B")
   call services for B ...

format output ...
XPath 2 Functions
Script engine versions 2 and above support XQuery 1.0 Functions and Operators, and the XQuery 1.0 standard itself with some minor limitations. Below are the URLs to both specifications. The first link has the functions/operators available to use from XQuery.
The following can only access local file systems. (For other protocols like http they will return an empty sequence):